The power of a smile can do many things. It can boost your mood, give you confidence and give you a more positive outlook on life. But did you know that it also has an impact on your body as well? Smiling also promotes physical well being.

Here are some ways smiling affects your body:

Smiling lowers stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety can wreak havoc on your body, causing spikes in heart rate and blood pressure. Studies have shown however, that when you smile during a stressful situation, that you will be able to stay calmer thus reducing the effects of stress.  Try to smile the next time you find yourself in the hot seat. When your body is in a constant state of stress, it might feel like it is at war with the world around you. By smiling and focusing on positive thoughts, you can help your body better manage whatever the world will throw at you.

Smiling is good for your heart

Your heart health is important as you get older.  Your risk for a heart attack or stroke increases. A study in the journal of Psychological Science found that being quick with a smile in life, might help protect your heart from stress-induced inflammation. Researchers found that those who were smiling were able to recover from stress better than their counterparts  due to their lower heart rates. If you are more susceptible to heart problems, then you might want to think about better ways to manage stress, including smiling more.

Protect your smile

Of course good oral hygiene plays a role in all of this as well. Plaque buildup can lead to gum disease which can weaken your heart and your immune system. Make sure that you see the dentist for a cleaning regularly and you correct any problems as soon as you can.  Don’t miss out on all the benefits of a smile. Talk to your dentist today to see how you can get a healthier, more beautiful smile. There are more affordable solutions out there that you may not realize. From teeth whitening to veneers most cosmetic dentists offer you a chance to get that smile you have always dreamed about.

The bottom line

Stress can have a devastating impact on our lives, but unfortunately it is not so easy to escape from. Luckily, smiles are free and can be plentiful if you stay focused on positive emotions. It is easier to smile more now and reduce stress.  Smile! It is good for your mind and body.

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