According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, 3 million people in the United States have dental implants. In fact, this number increases by 500,000 every year.

Tooth loss is a common problem patients face throughout their lives. Whether it is from a damaged tooth beyond repair or gum disease, tooth loss can have a significant impact on the look of your  smile. If not treated, single tooth damage could lead to further health issues.

Prevention is the best way to avoid tooth loss, but sometimes proper cosmetic care is the only remedy. To be proactive, here are a few signs you may need a dental implant:

You Have a Cracked Tooth

If you have a cracked tooth that isn’t repairable through restorative techniques, a dental crown or dental implant may be your best options. Dr. Vance will identify the best option for your situation after evaluating your cracked or broken tooth.

Our goal is to save as much of the tooth structure as possible. If the tooth is beyond repair, extraction and a dental implant are a great option. If we discover you need a dental implant, you can rest assured it will be a painless process and look like your other teeth.

You’re Missing a Tooth

Missing teeth are embarrassing for many patients. Very few people want to walk around without their teeth, especially if the teeth missing are close to the front of the mouth. You don’t have to face the embarrassment of missing teeth any longer. Dental implants may be the solution you need.

Dr. Vance and his team will fill in the space where your natural tooth was once located. He will blend the tooth to make it look natural.

You’re Experiencing Some Bone Loss

Were you aware that dental implants can help prevent future bone loss?

Dental implant root composition consists of titanium, placed in the socket of the jawbone. The use of titanium allows the implant to bond to the bone tissue.

This bonding process, known as osseointegration, enables the implant roots to encourage jawbone growth like the natural tooth roots would. This helps you avoid future bone loss.

You Have Loose Fitting Dentures

How do you fix partial or loose dentures? Dental implant solve this dental problem. Dental implants are a great alternative to dentures.

Once your dental implant procedure is complete, you will no longer have to worry about your dentures becoming loose or falling out.

Your Teeth Aren’t Functioning Properly When Eating

Your teeth will change overtime. However, if you begin to notice an abnormal change, it may be time to head to the dentist.

If you have severe pain, you may have an infected tooth. Infection may may prevent proper repair. It also may require an extraction and a dental implant to give you the smile you deserve.

Dr. Vance is a specialized dental implant dentist. He has years of dental implant experience and expertise. Dr. Vance and his team will create the best dental implant plan to suit you and your dental needs.

If you feel something is out of order when eating or speaking, give us a call to schedule an appointment today.

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